Omnomnominator’s Blog

Wondertwins Unite

Posted in Uncategorized by user72521 on March 15, 2009

I have a wondertwin. If you don’t, you should get one. We have a secret handshake that is a fist bump that ends with a nomnomnom sign. He is also a coworker of mine so I get to spend lots of awesome time with him. We don’t agree on everything because that’s not what being wondertwins is about. It’s about a connection at a base level that is stronger than just a love of coconut or not.  He’s also the one I will be trying the Carnivore challenge with, which is that really big pizza we’re going to demolish.

My wondertwin, besides possessing powers of awesomeness, is a photographer. A very good photographer. Not everyone can take good pictures. I should know. He has been honing his skills for some time now and has a snappy website with more info. I know he’s had several gallery shows around town and in another year I probably won’t be able to afford to buy his cast offs.

I asked him not too long ago to snap some pictures of the city that has my heart- Savannah. Growing up in Savannah, the marsh and the salt get in your blood and you are forever tied to it, I think. As a lucky coincidence, WT’s brother recently moved there so he has occassion to be down there on a somewhat regular basis. So, he came back a few weeks ago with some shots around a shrimp boat and docks, a favorite sight down that way. These are the ones I picked out although there were others that were great too – these just made me most happy.(sorry about the glare on any, couldn’t get the light right. See? Not everyone can take good photos!)

Two Sons Shrimp Boat

Two Sons Shrimp Boat

Above the bar....

Above the bar....



Could be my favorite of all them....

Could be my favorite of all them....

Tying things together...

Tying things together...